[index] AT-AR3050S/AT-AR4050S/AT-AR4050S-5G コマンドリファレンス 5.5.4
awplus> telnet localhost ↓ Entering character mode Escape character is '^]'. awplus login: manager ↓ Password: friend ↓ (実際には表示されません) AlliedWare Plus (TM) 5.5.4 xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx awplus> show users ↓ Line User Host(s) Idle Location 0 con 0 manager idle 00:00:00 ttyS0 130 vty 0 manager idle 00:00:00 localhost awplus> exit ↓ Connection closed by foreign host. awplus>
awplus(config)# interface vlan1 ↓ awplus(config-if)# ip address ↓
awplus> show users ↓
awplus> telnet ↓ Entering character mode Escape character is '^]'. FreeBSD/i386 (taketa.example.com) (ttyp0) login:
awplus> telnet 21 ↓ 220 taketa.example.com FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready. help ↓ 214- The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented). USER PORT TYPE MLFL* MRCP* DELE SYST RMD STOU PASS LPRT STRU MAIL* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE ACCT* EPRT MODE MSND* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM SMNT* PASV RETR MSOM* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD REIN* LPSV STOR MSAM* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP QUIT EPSV APPE MRSQ* ABOR SITE XMKD XCUP 214 Direct comments to ftp-bugs@taketa.example.com. quit ↓ 221 Goodbye. Connection closed by foreign host. awplus>
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